Question by take a minute: when did germany form an alliance with russia during the nineteenth century?
for a paper discussing otto von bismarck’s threat on queen victoria’s rule
it is supposed to discuss military, policies, and alliance with russia
if you could help me out with any of it, but especially the top question, i would be very grateful
thank you!
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Answer by ammianus
The first alliance was signed 22 October 1873, between Russia, Germany,and Austria-Hungary. However, this agreement was solely between the 3 emperors.It broke down in 1875 over Austrian and Russian rivalry in the Balkans
It was reconstituted in 1881 as the stronger Dreikaiserbund (League of the Three Emperors). Once again however rivalry between Russia and Austria in the Balkans saw it collapse, in 1885.
Bismark was still keen on a Russian alliance, so on 18 June 1887 The Reinsurance Treaty was signed between Russia and Germany. However, the treaty provided for neutrality in the event either was at war with a 3rd power; Bismark wanted the alliance to prevent France and Russia becoming allies, and thus keepFrance isolated diplomatically – it wasn’t an anti – British treaty.
Kaiser Wilhelm II refused to renew the treaty in 1890, against the wishes of Bismark.
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