Question by attyoncall: Gluten free pierogi dough for celiac pierogi lover?
My family and I love pierogi and used to buy them homemade from a Polish market. Due to health issues, I cannot eat gluten flour – no wheat, rye, barley, nor oats. Unfortuntely, the Polish Market owner has very limited English, and I just cannot convey what I need. I am thinking of trying to make it myself, and I’ve seen some recipes on the net for gluten free pierogi dough. Has anyone here that has personally made gluten free pierogis that taste good? Easter is coming, and I can’t spend the time and money on trying all of these recipes until I find the right one.
Answers and Views:
Answer by sweet_heather83
This is the only gluten free pierogi dough that I know of. I hope it turns out well for you.
Pierogi Dough:
For dough, mix with wire whisk
1 cup rice or sweet rice flour
2/3 cup tapioca starch
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp xanthan gum
Mix in large bowl with mixer:
1/2 cup water
1 egg
2 tsp. oil or sauteed butter
Add dry ingredients to beaten ingredients and blend to a soft dough.
Another person said that although she has not made pierogies, she has
had success in other recipes when she subtitutes 1/3 cup of soy flour
for an equal amount of her regular gf blend. Since the soy flour is
oilier, it seems to hold together better.
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makeda m says
1 cup cottage cheese
1 large egg
7 tbsp milk
2 tbsp oil
Blend wet ingredients in a blender until smooth.
1/4 cup potato starch
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1 1/2 cup white rice flour
1/4 cup soy flour
3 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
Sift dry ingredients together. Mix dry and wet ingredients
and knead until soft. Leave in a bowl, cover, and let stand
while you make the filling. Roll out the dough on a floured
or oiled surface. Roll to about 1/8 inch thickness.
Note: I had a spray bottle of oil from pantry chef
(vegetable oil spray should work) and as I rolled out the
dough and cut circles I kept spraying my hands with the
oil. This kept the dough soft and elastic making it easier to
make perogies.
To cut circles I used a 19 oz tin can. A salmon or tuna can
is also the right size to make perogie circles. Spoon about
a tsp of filling on the circle and pinch shut. Have a dish of
water handy as wetting the edges of the dough makes them
easier to pinch shut with out them falling apart. Freeze
before cooking.
Cook and whip potatoes. Spice potato filling any way you
desire. I made a potato, cheese and onion filling.
The perogies turned out so yummy you couldn’t even tell
they were GF!
lots_of_laughs says
Here's a dough that's used in Chinese Dim Sum recipes. It will be different than the typical wheat pierogi but it should be gluten free.
Glutinous Rice Dough
2 1/4 cups glutinous rice flour
1/4 cup potato flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cup boiling water
To make wrapper: Bring pot of water to a rolling boil for several minutes.
Meanwhile, combine the first 4 ingredients. Now, measure the amount of water needed and return that to a boil and immediately pour the boiling water over the dry ingredients. Mix well, cover for about 5 mintues. Afterwards, knead 3 or 4 minutes. Oil your hands and surfaces if the dough starts sticking.