Question by Jack: How do you say good morning in Russian?
I was wondering how you say good morning in Russian, with the exact pronounciation, an example would be if I were to say hello in Spanish, hola, it would be “Oh-lah” so how do I pronounce good morning in Russian?
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Answer by [БеЗ стРАх От ниЩо][KilL MoveS]
Dobro utro !
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
earthwolf23 says
here ………..this website has letter pronunciations, and audio pronunciations.…
Mike says
You could listen to it here:…
LaCrucchina says
Good morning is Доброе утро ,pronounced "doh-brah-eh- oo-trah"
доброе утро = dò-broe ù-tro