Question by It’s Me!: What would be a good technique to learn/memorize the Russian alphabet?
I want to learn Russian over the course of the next few years, but I need to start with the alphabet. Can anyone suggest ways they have memorized the Cyrillic lettering successfully?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Steven
its pretty easy to learn , just memorize them by figure , like Sha and Shcha are similiar in figure …etc
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Arric G says
what i did was i remembered the letters of my name first and then remembered those that came after, it was really easy and withing hours i was writing the names of all my family members. after doing this i was able to read little excerpts in cyrillic in my text book – understanding what i was reading was for later.
Biolog says
Note cards. and Учиться, учиться и еще раз учиться!!!