Question by lmlm: I just got fitted for pointe shoes today…?
It came down to Grishko 2007’s and Russian Pointe Pollette’s.
The Grishko’s fit like a glove, but I couldn’t get all the way on the box in the store, maybe like 3/4 of the way. The Russian did not fit as great, but still good, but I could easily get all the way on the box in the store.
I went with the Grishko’s because the fit was GREAT and they didn’t cause any discomfort at all.
I am worried now though…will I be able to get over the box in class? Will breaking them in make a big enough difference?

Photo Credit: melalouise/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by Raychull
You did the right thing. I bought the pointe shoes that I could get over the box on and they didn’t fit as well as another pair and boy did I pay for that when I’d broken them in. I couldn’t use them as they fit so badly. I ended up buying the better fitting pair which I couldn’t get over the box on (like you) and laboriously breaking them in – this involved sleeping in them, strange I know…. but you know what 5 months down the line I can get over the box : )
Answer by Jules
I have Grishko Ulanova I’s and from experience, I’ve never been able to completely get on the box in the store, because the shank’s really hard and they need to be broken in.
You won’t be able to completely get on the box until you’ve softened the shank a little bit more, once they start to break in a little bit. Do relevees to demi pointe to get the shank in working order (but don’t over do it). My first pair of pointe shoes I bought because I could get on the box, and that was a huge mistake because they didn’t fit all that well, and the shank was too weak for my foot (I started in Bloch Signature Rehearsals) and they died really quickly.
It’s better to go with the shoes that fit better because they’re not broken in, which is a huge part of not being able to get on the box. However, if you have a weak arch, I wouldn’t recommend staying with the grishko’s because you won’t be able to break them in.
But to answer your question without all of my rambling, breaking them in will make a difference in your ability to get on the box. It was definitely the right decision.
Answer by abilena13
I think you did the right thing! You just need to break them in! Go on releve (not on pointe, but in demi pointe) in them, and that will help. TO help the shoe mold to your foot, get a paper towl, wad it up, wet it a little, and dab the shoes where the box starts WHILE WEARING THEM!!! Keep them on for awhile, and the shoes will mold to your foot! Do lots of releves en pointe, and in demi pointe, and try to imagine pushing your arches sooo much, that you break the elastic on your shoes. This will help you get over the box.
Hope I helped!
PS I got Grishko 2007’s too! Although I think they were PROFLEX 2007’s! I LOVE THEM!!!!
Answer by Emma
Well, you feel have to see after awhile because at first for some people it’s very hard to get on top of your boxes but there is a possibility the pointe shoes aren’t right. Did you tell them that? Because getting the right pointe shoes for yourself is SO important!
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