Question by Oliver Courtland: Has any army successfully invaded Russia? Who has tried to do it, and who were the notable failures?
Did any military force ever successfully invade and conquer the land we know now as modern Russia?
Who, if any, succeeded?
And who were the notable failures?
Answers and Views:
Answer by mramell48
The communists did and won, but Napoleon tried and failed as did Hitler. Both were stopped by the brutal weather and in Hitlers case he also tried to run German trains on Russian tracks.. They are different sizes…or were..
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erik v says
YES. Mongols completely took over. Germany in WWI was kicking russia's ass until the bolshevik revolution, upon which the communists signed a peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk (more of a surrender) with the germans, giving them vast amounts of formerly russian land.
Steve qa says
Well Army's have gotten close, and some have taken over areas. If Hitler had waited to take over Russia he would have, and the Mongols had taken parts of Siberia.
Has any one taken over all of Russia? no
Has any one taken over all of the USA? no
linkod2008 says
Mentions of Communists absurdly. It was civil war.
The mention of vikings and Mongols as is absurd. At that time there was no uniform state. Only separate princedoms. And many were at enmity.
Russia was attacked with many countries: Germany, France, Italy, Japan, China, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Turkey. Nobody win the ground of Russia.
The Crimean war was bad for all. Three Empires (British, French and Osmanli) could not take one city (Sevastopol) during one year! They simply shot it from guns. The place of battle was very adverse for Russia. Soldiers had to go up to 1000 miles on foot!
It is the main lesson of our history – when we together we are invincible.
Lu W says
Notable failures – Hitler and Napolean.
Mike D says
britain france and turkey went to war with russia and defeated them in the crimean war
Morpheus says
Oh yes – it was the most disgusting invasion in history – the Mongols. They sat on Russia real hard – calling it "The Golden Hoard" and they murdered the Russians like crazy for about 300 years, and raped and pillaged the country continually.
Anyway, if there's anything which might explain the true pain-in-the-a ss character of the Russian people it might well be the Mongol occupation.
Wayne C says
I believe my ancestors conquered and became the Russians. Vikings were called Ruus by whoever was there first. Not sure I spelled it right. Genghis Khan took tribute from them for many years. You will have to see if he actually took and held land. My break is now over, it's back to cleaning the house.
Sounds like you are taking a homework shortcut so that's all you get. Good luck Genghis
Edit: I just took the time to do some real research. Genghis did not make in very far into what is now Russia. The link has an interactive map. Looks like he had some lower portions of Siberia and the very western frontier of modern Russia. Maybe they answer to your questions is none since they did not take the whole country. My Moms side is 100% Norwegian. One Uncle had dark skin and hair (He looked a bit like Don Ameche, if your old enough to know who that is). The family claimed it was from the time the Mongols invaded. According to the map they did make it to the area close to the current Finnish and Russian border. It's diffcult as the borders changed so much over time.
The Russian below may not like it but his country, like most, is made up from the roaming and conquering tribes of the past. Russia sprang from a mix of Vikings and others that began with raids into the area around Kiev. Over time unity took place and grew to what is there now. His ancestory is most likely Viking, Bulgar or another acient group that raided that area. Same thing happended with the Romans and other groups leaving their own mark in the same areas and others.