Question by Jason R: Has there ever been an event in history similar to the effects of Perestroika and Glasnost?
Let me elaborate a little more…
Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Perestroika to the Soviet Union which introduced “market-like” reforms and some slight independence from soviet opinion. When that did not jump start the economy he coupled it with Glasnost which allowed for greater freedom of speech, created a more transparent government, and allowed criticism of the Soviet state. With these two reforms he inadvertently encouraged his 12 remaining soviet states to leave the union one by one. When a coup was initiated by party members, KGB officials, and military officers the Red Army under the Russian Federation President Boris N. Yeltsin crushed the coup and sentenced Gorbachev to house arrest (Essentially destroying want remained of the USSR).
My question is that, has there ever been reforms made in history by a leader that would eventually bring whatever institution he supported to its destruction?
TL;DR: Reforms that destroy the central authority.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Rodney McQueen
Perfect example is Martin Luther’s protest over the Church. He ended up splitting it forever.
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