Question by Logan 5: Is it true that Russian geologists have discovered Hell ?
I have read that Russian scientists have drilled a deep hole in the Earth’s crust and heard human voices screaming in agony below with super sensitive microphones. Also there was a bat like creature coming up out of that hole.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Gen. Stiggo [Atheati-in-Chief]
This story was in the same newspaper that ran articles about Bat Boy and the alien meeting with every president since Jimmy Carter.
So, no, it isn’t true.
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Mike K says
No; just another fairy tale urban legend. They were drilling a very deep hole since the late 70's to 1993 on the Kola Penisula.
"The legend holds that scientists in Siberia had drilled a hole nine miles (14.5 km) deep before breaking through to a cavity. Intrigued by this unexpected discovery, they lowered an extremely heat tolerant microphone, along with other sensory equipment, into the well. The temperature deep within was a 2000 °F (1100 °C) — heat from a chamber of fire from which screams of the damned could be heard.
Soviet scientists had, in fact, drilled a hole almost eight miles deep in Kola (the Kola Superdeep Borehole), and found some interesting geological anomalies, although they reported no supernatural encounters.[1] Temperatures reached 180 °C (360 °F), making deeper drilling prohibitively expensive."
Michael Kelly
PS – I work as a geologist on many deep wells in Western Canada, see lots of marine fossils and interesting rock but never have heard screams or circulated up demons from below.
WiCkEd YoUnG mAn says
Sew What? says
You really need to go back and re-read the article.
Apparently something went wrong with their equipment. Truth is they were picking up the sounds of Barstow, California. 'Not sure about the bat–could have been my mother-in-law.
grayure says
No, though there is a rumour. However, if they had, it would prove the Bible wrong because it says that souls "sleep" after death until the Day of Judgement, so Hell would be empty right now.
Dreamstuff Entity says
It's the old well to hell hoax.
Google: well to hell hoax.
Somebody just made it up, others believed it without checking, and they repeat it to others as if they know it's true.
That's what religion is.
Thriceϟϟ says
Its a hoax look it up and dont be so gullible.
The only true part is that they were digging.
Ḿ℁†ḛṙ says
i heard that russin scientists were creating psychic soldiers!
i also heard at one point that they resurected a dinosaur!
hell is about as real as frosty the snow man!
of wich the russians are planing to discover next week
Buffet Catholic A.R. says
Noo, it was just an urban legend that has been circulating, wrongly, for about 30 years.