Question by Katie Meyer: Help with a childrens lesson about Russian Dolls (Matryoshka)?
I have been set a task to talk to a group of 4/5 year old children in a primary school and talk to them for 15 minutes about an interesting object.
My object is a set of 10 Russian Nesting Dolls (Matryoshka)
I had an idea of passing the dolls around and each child taking one doll out and then passing the rest onto the other. But I wanted some ideas for what they could symbolise or what the message behind my mini lesson could be.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Daniela P
Hmmm…..Try to show them typical Russian dress in funny way and very popular Russian doll same time. Like back round you can use Russian typical music and you will be have nice lesson of Russian culture.
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Kathy S says
The first Matryoshka dolls were made about 100 years ago. The name Matryoshka comes from a common name for a peasant girl in Russia. The root of the name Matryoshka means mother. So think of the dolls as mothers with many children. There are many different styles of nesting dolls; sometimes historical people are represented, sometimes fairy tale characters. We also did a presentation with these in my preschool class. A coworker is from Russia, so she showed the children these along with other things she had from Russia, like a beautiful scarf and fur hat. Good luck, and have fun!
Victoria says
by sharing the dolls you are showing sharing you can also count the dolls adding and taking them away you can go though the coulors on each of the dolls what is the same and what is different