Question by scbaldwin: October by Eisenstein: general questions?
1. How are the Bolsheviks portrayed in the film?
2. How are their rivals portrayed?
Any other helpful information also welcome!
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Answer by Spellbound
1) The Bolsheviks are portrayed as part of the “toiling masses” as well as leading them. They are shown as heroic, daring and rational.
2) Their enemies are shown as devious, greedy and only representative of their own greedy classes.
If you haven’t seen the film you should, it is excellent. Some sequences are still brilliant, some are truly shocking, and the way that Eisenstein does not have a hero, rather the working class is the hero, was, and is, revolutionary in film making. In many school history books stills from the film are shown as real life events from the October Revolution and many documentaries use the crowd being fired on as genuine footage.
There is a story (I’m not sure how true it is) that as the soldiers in the film were real soldiers carrying real guns, more people were killed during the making of the film that during the actual revolution.
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