Question by martin234: Just how bad is the racism in Saint Petersburg?
I’m arab, so I’m obviously not white. And in terms of religion, I’m not very religious. I love Russian culture and yes, I do speak Russian fluently (I’m studying Russian in university). I’m staying in Saint Petersburg for a week, and so I’m slightly concerned.
I welcome answer from everyone, but especially those of non-Slavic appearance.
I’m going to Saint Petersburg in RUSSIA, not the US!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Cyndi S
I live in ST .Cloud,Fla. had an Aunt that had lived their in St. Pete.. Lots of stuff to see ,beach is great and No they are not racist or religious.. Its an Historical Place.. Alot Of Older people live there who don’t care who you are As long as they are left alone..
Have Fun
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roxanne says
When I was in Russia a few years ago (my mom’s Ukranian, not Russian but of Soviet descent, and we visit Russia sometimes), I saw far less racism than in the United States. In Russia, black people are the subject of curiosity (because there aren’t a lot of them), but generally not racism. People asked me african americans, but, like I say, with curiosity, not hostility.
And as far as racism towards Arabs, don’t worry too much about it, especially if you’re going to the actual city, not old-fashioned suburbs. There’s definitely more of that in the US than Russia. There are plenty of muslims in Russia. I don’t see anything major, if anything at all, happening to you just because you aren’t white and you stay in St. P. for a week. Have fun, St. Petersburg is a great city, and don’t worry. Russia’s really not that racist these days; tolerance has grown.
Rooskie says
St Petersburg Russia has just about the same amount of Racism then lets say Rochester Michigan USA. To be honest probably more racism in the USA because they were bombed by the middle east, and Russia was not.
General Cucombre says
You shouldn’t have any problems, especially if you speak the language.
Unfortunately, racism-related incidents that you might have read about in the news, do happen there, but that is mostly the thing of suburbs.
The center of the city is quite safe (and expensive).
There is fair amount of foreign tourists there. I know you said you’re not religious, but there is even a mosque there, if it means anything.
Just use common sense and enjoy the trip.
gg says
I can’t really talk about the racism in St Petersburg, as I haven’t been there, but in the city I stayed in (Vladimir), there was a bit more racism than I was used to. For example, all the Russians I went to the open market with would constantly make rude, racist remarks about the Georgians (who were running the market). Also, when I was at a nightclub one time, there were two black guys that were trying to get in, but the bouncer wouldn’t let them in (granted, this was a strict club; my russian friends told me not to speak as we got up to the door because if they knew i was american they might not let me in). ihaven’t really seen any arabs while i was in russia, come to think of it, but i assume you might have a bit of a harder time than a caucasian, but i wouldn’t worry too much.
rp121121 says
i do not know for sure what is like over there these days, but based on what you can hear in the news the problem with racism does exist in that city. i have no way to judge how bad it is, though. i would suggest you to excercise caution, not to walk alone at nights, not to go to bad parts of the city. you know, some basic things. i would think that as long as you exercise caution and do not look for troubles yourself you should be fine. after all, it is not a war zone or something, it just that there are gangs of brainless young people on which the police has not cracked down yet.
Addition: Judging by the thumbs down that I have gotten I guess that I hurt feelings of the residents of S-P who are present on here. However, the problem does exist and it does not seem to me that the problem is being really dealt with. Once again, I do not know how bad it is, but we all know that unlike Moscow S-P does have this problem.