Question by Janice W: How do I get geneology information from Russia?
I am pretty sure our geeology is in line with the author named Gogol in Russia but I do not know how to get info from foreign countries especially ex-communist countries?
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Answer by rustskipper
Hey Janice,
One place is Cindi’s list (to look) because you can search on Russia specifically. You should also check the GENFORUM for the name Gogol – you may have different Gogol people posting information you could use. Since you specify in Russia, I assume you already know about Family Search and Passenger lists.
Read all the answers in the comments.
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hec says
Gogol did not have any children, so your connection can be only through his relatives, for example his five sisters (his only live born brother died young). Read his biography, if you can read Russian, I provide the link.
Last names of Gogol's ancestors: Yanovsky (famous Polish gentry), Shostak, Shcherbak, Doroshenko, Skoropadky
sirpaxalot says
Try it has a comprehensive list of every name available. Google and Yahoo! work too…