Question by David R: How can I stop my 18 year old son from leaving the USA to Moscow for 1 month?
I am a father and my son turned 18 last june and he is trying to go to russia with his friends. It is extremely dangerous in Moscow (where he is going) and I dont want him to go. Is there any possible way I can make him stop legally or any other way. I hid his passport but he is trying to make a new one. Any suggestions? Also, he lives at home.
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Answer by Audrey’s mommy
I could not see any part of Moscow being actively dangerous for an eighteen year old male where he would have to fear for his life. Unless he is going for drug reasons or going to fight in the Underground Moscow League… I think you should let him experience life and make his own mistakes if need be.
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mykatesmom says
Legally he is an adult, so there isn't much you can do.
midnightmoon62 says
That is a chance of a life time. If you dont let him go, he will resent you for it. Legally, he is an adult, and this is his choice. The ONLY legal thing you can do is kick him out if he does go, but that would be really bad parenting on your part. Let him go.
housemomagain says
Let him go but give him some good advice on how to handle himself in a foreign country and then pray for his safe trip together.
johnsonious2 says
um…do what my dad did, threaten to kick his ass out to the curb…lol
due 2/25 with a gil! says
no there is no way, he's an adult and can do what he wants
[email protected] says
You are the boss. Just tell him NO. You are in charge as long as he lives under your roof. Threaten to take him to court.
Wonka says
In the U.S. I'm afraid 18 is the number of a full grown legal adult who is capable of taking care of himself. So if he wants to go he can go with or without your permission under the court of law. And besides you can't cage in your son forever.
That Gay Guy says
As long as he's paying for the trip himself and is doing nothing illegal by going, you cannot legally prevent him from going. Oh, and by the way, you "hiding" (stealing) his passport is a federal crime.
echuca03 says
Legally you can't even hide his passport. Your son is over 18 and it is unlawful to restrict his freedom, especially as a passport does not in fact belong to the bearer but belongs to the State.
You can only try to talk to him against the idea. Remember that Russia may be dangerous but actually more young people get in trouble going to boozed-up holiday destinations.
Administrator (koolc says
hes an adult now…i guess your jus goin to have to trust him he knows what hes doing.
Emmy says
Moscow is incredibly safe compared to other cities of the size. It is also a great tourist attraction. The only thing you can legally do is threaten to kick him out. Stealing his passport is not legal.
nda m says
sorry but he is 18 and legally an adult. you can not legally stop him.