Question by me: How can the living standards on Moscow be compared to California ?
Which is better ? why ?
what are the pros and cons ?
where are the net income for individual is higher and what are the opportunities ?
thank you
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Answer by Why, I guess it’s me
Living conditions depends on your income.
If it’s high then living in Moscow is more luxurious, interesting and full of opportunities. Moscow is one of Europe’s cultural capitals after all. Every minute something crazy happens.
If it’s about average then California is your choice. Moscow is not that stable. Average salary in 2009 in Moscow is about 30 000 roubles per month that is 955 American dollars. There are 13 mln people and the gap is huge, though, so a high skilled pro is expected to have a double of that.
Anyway, don’t forget that you are trying to compare a state and a city.
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What do you think?
SAO says
Your question is way too vague. Are you a Russian contemplating a move to CA? Or are you an American with sloppy grammar contemplating a move to Moscow?
If you don't have a job offer in hand, in a move in either direction will require getting a work permit and visa that allows you more than a tourist visit, unless you plan to work under the table.
What is your general profession? Income? Your job opportunities and income depend on this. For example, you will make far more money cleaning houses in the US than in the RF. Opportunities for a finance executive may be better in Russia, especially if you get an expat package that pays your housing.
Hands down, CA has the better weather.
Squeaky P says
A strange question. L.A. in Cali is comparable to Moscow in size, but completely different in every other way. Some people like their life in Moscow and some people like their life in LA, but I REALLY doubt anybody from Cali would like to live in Moscow and most people in Moscow would think California is some kind of dream life. Do you really think that California's average income ( about $ 5000 a month) and lower cost of living would be even remotely approachable by a Muscovite? Yet many things about Moscow are beyond the reach of a Californian, such as the Tretyakov gallery or even the elaborate metro system. Its all about what the individual desires.
But the person who says Moscow is more luxurious is proof that the Kremilin propoganda machine is working at some level.
arsanlupin says
Compared??? There is no comparison – you aren't talking about two different countries; you are comparing two different planets!
I've visited several parts of California – SoCal, the Bay Area, Sacramento, Tahoe, and Napa Valley. Most of the visits were staying at friends' homes; only a few were in hotels. One 4-month stretch was working a consulting gig in the Bay Area while staying in "corporate housing".. While they are distinct from each other, they share a lot of features not found elsewhere in the USA. Specifying a city or metro area would have made this a little easier – although not very much.
But Russia??? Dude – what are you smoking???
While I never visited Moscow, I did visit Saint Petersburg, Kiev, Odessa, Bendery, and Kishinev multiple times – an eventual visit to Moscow is inevitable. I have over 30 friends who grew up in the former Soviet Union, and some of them frequently travel back and forth, with Moscow being the usual entry city. I can read the alphabet. I can understand the language (both written and spoken) well enough to survive on. Most importantly: I understand enough about the culture to know that your comparison is ridiculous at best – dangerous at worst. The cultural differences are something totally beyond the comprehension of any Californian. Some of my Russian friends live in California – and they agree with me.
The city of Moscow has been one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in for several years – where almost all of the residents live on less than US$ 1000 per month. I know a person who works 12-hour days in a restaurant kitchen in Moscow – and makes 200 rubles a day.
That's less than $ 7 a day – less than US$ 200 a month – in a city that makes San Francisco look cheap by comparison. I know there are people in The Bay Area making $ 75k/year – and living in their cars. That is luxury compared to what the vast majority of Muscovites endure. More than 98% of Muscovites live in a level of poverty that the poorest in Watts cannot imagine in their worst nightmares.
As pitiful as that is, I know someone who moved there from Moldova – because the job opportunities were better. She had lost her job as a day-care employee in Bendery – making US$ 80 a month.
Comparisons? Opportunities? Pros and Cons? What kind of sick joke is this??? You have no clue what you are asking.