Question by Someone Else: How cold is the Arctic Ocean? Specifically along the Lomonosov Ridge and in the basins?
I want to know the mean winter and summer temperatures of the water below the Arctic ice cap. Especially at submarine geographical formations such as the Lomonsov Ridge, the Amerasian Basin and the Eurasian Basin, along with any significant trenches or peaks.
Any information would be helpful as I’m planning on setting up an expedition to this area. Please include legitimate sources of where you obtained your information! Much thanks comrades!
What are your temperature units in?
Answers and Views:
Answer by poornakumar b
Surface temperature is at -1°.8, linearly varying to 0° at about 150m depth; to 1°.2 from 200m to 400m reaching a peak of 1°.25 at 300m. It then falls off linearly to 0° at 770m. Arctic Ocean is a compact Ocean (I always call it ‘Sea’ as it lacks many attributes of Ocean; but I respect your view) that is the size of Siberia (in Russia). Lomonosov ridge doesn’t make much difference.
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