Question by GStaaaar:): how deep is the snowfall in siberia, in winter?
i need to do a project on siberia, what language do they talk, and what are the people like generally like?
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Answer by mega
Siberia gets a surprisingly low amount of snow per year – no more than 20 inches in any part of the region except for the Kamchatka Peninsula (there isn’t a lot of water for moisture to be picked up from – the Arctic Ocean is too cold).
Siberia is inhabited mostly by Russians, both from Russia as well as those originally from Ukraine. There are also smaller ethnic groups that live there, including those from Central Asia, Mongolia, and small numbers of Chinese and Koreans in the far east.
Life is not easy due to the bitter cold, but there are some decent-sized cities such as Novosibirsk (population 1.5 million). Most of the people live along the Trans-Siberian Railway which runs across the whole region. The region’s economy is based off of mining and fossil fuels (specifically oil and natural gas).
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