Question by jhengssulee: How did censorship in the USSR change?
After Stalin’s death, which years did the USSR experience the most significant change in the practice of censorship? Was it during Gorbachev’s time from ’85 to ’91? How did his new Glasnost policy effect censorship?
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Answer by Fatty Dave
After Stalin’s death, you first had Khruschev’s “Thaw”, where there was some relaxation of censorship, so that people could find out what a monster Stalin was. Not much more than that.
Gorbachev’s glasnost was definitely the biggest significant change. Glasnost meant that there were no restrictions on the creation, sales, and content of independent newspapers whatsoever. He relaxed the restrictions barring questions to Soviet officials, one of the reasons why he quickly fell into the “enemy” category of most Soviet officials. He also unblocked the radio jam on Western radio stations (though not TV shows yet). Glasnost really took off after Chernobyl in 1986, when people felt he betrayed them with his empty promises. His promise not to send troops to oppose the Vilnius uprising on national TV was a major reason for Lithuania’s independence.
There’s really not much more I remember from my high school Soviet History class.
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Çetin says
i think ,since April 2007,USA experience the most significant changed in the practice of censorship.…