Question by Kikelomo: How did cold war changes the world during russia imperlism?
How did cold war changes the world during russia imperialism the Nuclear weapons changes the world. And how did USA and USSR brought Nuclear weapons to the world
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Answer by Amit
your question is a bit disorganized but to make it short:
The US was the first one to introduce nuclear weapon to the world by bombing Japan in 1945. US and USSR were conflicted in ideology. In 1946 George Kennan who was a US representative in Moscow sent the “Long Telegram” which was the basis for the future US policy regarding the Soviet Union, which was a policy of mistrust.
after the successful creation of a soviet atomic bomb in 1946 the two countries got to a situation of a horror balance which meant that a scary peace was kept because both sides were concern that that the other side would use the bomb against him. throughout the following years there was a massive arm race – both sides had enough bombs to destroy the other sides and even if attacked first (MAD = mutual assured destruction) that was what changed the world the threat of destruction was so great that neither superpower could actually use its nuclear potential and wars were conducted through messengers conventionally and limited in order not to provoke a nuclear war.
(such were the Vietnam war, Korea, and even the 6 days war in the middle east) that was the main effect of the nuclear weapon the changes throughout the war were changed in strategy, the US promised a nuclear umbrella to western Europe when the USSR didn’t have a nuclear weapon. when it had it the strategy changed to a proportional reaction. for more insightful information you should check the encyclopedia plus you can read Henry Kissinger’s memoirs which pretty much sוmmerize the period.
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