Question by : How did Mikhail Gorbachev support the U.S during the war in Iraq?
Just wanted to know the general reasons why and how Mikhail Gorbachev supported or helped the United States during the War in Iraq.
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Answer by aona
Lol, logistic information. This interview is very interesting, Michael Gorbachev was clear in certain situation, about Gulf War´s intimacy.
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Riya says
Mikhail Gorbachev reasoning was ‘The world had become different and the two superpowers were in the situation where we had to show whether we were able to cooperate in this new situation, especially on such a critical issue like aggression. A country was occupied. If we were not able to cope with that situation, everything else would have been made null and void.He says it was easier to understand Americans and their views
He says it was even easier for him to support US because he had backing of his people and political circle.
BUSH was severely criticized but Margaret thatcher’s support they got.
But in in that interview he added that he is not sure whether he was outsmarted, though there was sincerity between the 2 super powers then.
Micheal Gorbachev as usual got cheated by the over smart US.