Question by Will P: How did Glasnost end the Cold War?
Where there any key events that resulted in the end of the Cold War that was caused by glasnost?
What did the public do after it’s reaction to the freedom of information?
How did the public’s reaction result in the end of the Cold War?
Please gives references of books or websites
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Answer by arunmadav2013
Made the events occurring in the Soviet War in Afghanistan well known to the public. Their own military casualties became well known, and support for the war faded. Also,the huge amount of information increased the public’s ability to see flaws in the government.
Glasnost gave the public instant freedom, but in 1989, Gorbachev attempted to take it away because it was threatening the stability of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, this only increased the contempt for the government and gave further reason for why the people wanted a Soviet collapse.
It’s the idea of giving people freedom and taking it away, it means they’ll fight harder for that freedom. For example, lets say we restarted segregation and racism in the United States? Everyone is very accustom to the freedom now, taking that away would mean the country would fall into pieces in a few hours. Glasnost is similar to that.
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augie6_1 says
Gorbachev was a different kind of Communist dictator. The new Soviet leader saw that the USSR was disintegrating from within, and sought to revive Soviet Communism by reforming it. He announced new policies of glasnost ("openness") and perestroika ("restructuring"), which promised to end the worst abuses of the Soviet police state by granting its citizens greater political and economic freedoms. At the same time, Gorbachev sought to ratchet down Cold War hostilities by negotiating an end to the arms race with the Americans.
From Shmoop
Georgescu Rodin says
Glasnost ended the Soviet Union and thus the Cold War