Question by Aprila: How did Lenin make a compromise between the ideas of capitalism and communism?
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Answer by Eden Astarte
Lenin didn’t really make a compromise between capitalism and communism. He did however launch the NEP (New Economic Policy) in 1921. The NEP allowed a freemarket in grain, looked to attract foreign investment capital and allowed some small private enterprise. Ideologically though, Leninism remained firmly Marxist, the reason for the NEP being to attract foreign capital by various mechanisms with the intent of heavily drawing from the foreign capital via taxation to build socialism.
Deng Xiaoping did the same thing essentially in China in the 1980’s only on a much larger scale. Many say the Chinese have abandoned Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, but I wouldn’t be so sure. My bets say they are also attracting foreign capital and allowing foreign companies to develop their infrastructure with a mind to simply seize what the Western capitalists have built in China when they find they can no longer pay their debts to the Chinese state.
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