Question by Beckay Cwoe: How did Rasputin do it?
So im watching Nicholas and Alexander and studied russian revolution this past year. And i am just astonished by Rasputin, how did he know about Alexei? How did he increase the health of the haemopheliac son? Was he really in contact with God and was he really powerful? How did he with stand poisoning, beatings, having his penis removed being shot, to succumb to drowning?
I dont know, so many unanswered questions, what are your thoughts on this very interesting character from history?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Berzerker
The human body, or rather the human mind is the most powerful thing on this planet. There is still a lot we don’t know about it. Excruciating pain can be overcome through proper training and meditation. Buddhist monks were reportedly able to fly, it was reported during the 1800’s. Human’s are extraordinary beings.
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ktkat49 says
I believe that Rasputin as able to hypnotize Alexi. I had a friend who
was taught this technique and was able to have all four of her
children without any medication. She just hypnotized herself into
having no pain. Studies show that people can be taught to control
their blood pressure and their heart beat just through mediation. I think this is how Rasputin managed to convince Alexi that the bleeding would stop.
Andy says
Suggest you cure your fascination and curiosity by reading Alex De Jonge's excellent "The Life and Times of Grigorii Rasputin". As this is answers…mine would be:
1) I think Nicholas and Alix, through their circle, found the one person who seemed to be able to calm and 'heal' Alexei, doctors and the world of science seemingly could not help.
2) Rasputin did have the ability to hold great influence of those he came in contact with. People wanted to and did believe in his powers of healing.
3) Contact with God – only he'll ever know. He certainly seemed to be in touch with Bacchus. Yes, he held much power over often far weaker individuals.
4) If you discount the supernatural power theory, he was a huge man and his attackers in December 1916 came over as rather incompetent.
man in a mouse suit says
i don't believe he had and connection to a deity.. but his will was so strong it was incredible,. he was also immensely strong and his control over the Romanov's was total..he was indirectly responsible for the russian revolution happening when it did. he claimed to be christian…but he belonged o a sect that believed that to be forgiven was blessed, therefore sin that you may be forgiven..oh boy did he do that!!
one of the few things we do know for certain is that he drowned in th river neve. did you see his pictures? he looks so demonic!