Question by : How did the Russian people react to the fall of the soviet union?
I would like to hear from a Russian if possible, but anyone with any knowledge on subject would be welcome.
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Answer by Blonde A
depends on what you mean by “react”…
most people cared more about surviving than about politics, because money lost value, many people lost their job…
many families were divided by borders – you can guess their “reaction”
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Comrade Good Looking says
It was a disaster for Russian nationalism for one thing. It also caused the Russian economy to go haywire. Lots of people lost their jobs, money decreased in value and there were no more grants like housing given by the government. I’d say they were briefly surprised, but realized what a problem it was later.
K2010 says
It didn’t happen overnight, you know
Like Arab revolutions
some embraced it, some were ecstatic or worry of unknown
Some are sorry it happened, some not
some are nostalgic of it, some not
Brown Bear says
It was hard to understand what is going on. In Moscow they decided the destiny for whole USSR but nobody asked us, in regions. There was referendum on the future of the Soviet Union (,_1991) where most of citizen wanted to keep USSR alive but politicians from Moscow, Kiev and Minsk broke theirs hopes (
There were a lot of lie about “happy capitalistic future”. Many people believed. And I too. Yeltsin and others told us that next day (week, month, year ) it will be better but everything was going worse. Oh, my Lord! It was terrible! We were so naive and stupid! But as it is obvious now communists were not lying about wild face of capitalism.
Nick says
In 1991 when the Soviet Union fell, Most Russians rejoiced but they soon found themselves without a leader… and in anarchy. I’m not exactly sure how democracy hit Russia, but it did. I’m just glad my grandpa came to America before the Soviet Union fell.
Awesome Irina says
I’m Russian, and to be honest I really don’t give a crap about the fall of the S.U… I used to take lots of pride in being Russian, now I realize that after the fall of those commie’s my parents hated everything about Russia and moved to AMERICA! I’m super duper appreciative of being raised in Amer.. because there’s no better place to live than in the U.S. (Bahamas is an acception) haha so most Russians don’t necessarily care or like to bring up the fall of the S.U. 🙂