Question by cyberlarry7: How did Dmitri Shostakovich come to compose his 2nd waltz? Is there a special meaning to it?
I’ve been doing research on Dmitiri Shostakovich on the web and cannot find anything about his composing the famous 2nd Waltz . . . How did Dmitri Shostakovich come to compose the famous work? Is there a special meaning to it? Was it supposed to be symbolic of anything (or things) in particular?
Thank you for your help!
I have to tell you, there are times when Wikipedia and Google just don’t yield real information . . . Google has so many sponsors mucking up their searches, it’s actually one of the worst search engines to use today.
Answers and Views:
Answer by del_icious_manager
There is no ‘special meaning’ to this piece. The ‘Waltz No 2’ is actually from the film music Shostakovich wrote in 1956 for ‘The First Echelon’. It was later included in the composer’s ‘Suite for Variety Orchestra No 1’, which comprises eight movements taken from various of Shostakovich’s film and ballet music scores.
Shostakovich wrote quite a lot of light-spirited music designed specifically as film music, music to accompany plays or just as entertaining suites of undemanding music. There is no ‘meaning’ behind this music apart from that.
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