Question by waffles: How did the Sputnik launch impact the rest of the world?
I know the the Sputnik launch impacted the US and Soviets, but what affect did it have on other countries that were not involved in the space race.
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Answer by LMG
It showed the rest of the world russia had the missile power to send a rocket into space therefor they could send a missile at any country very important at the time
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Geoff G says
As a Canadian teenager interested in astronomy and space, Sputnik's launch filled me with excitement and surprise. We had heard lots about the US plans for a satellite or two — nobody really knew the USSR was working on a satellite launch, so it was a real surprise. I remember listening to Radio Moscow on my shortwave radio to hear first hand news of Sputnik, including the famous beeping sounds it made as it passed overhead. It was a thrilling time to be alive!
doug_donaghue says
It showed the World that, economically, Russia was like a 98 pound weakling with a 48 inch right bicep ☺
Mike Mike 123 says
It was a symbolic demonstration of Russia's force through the space race, in which it's concurrent were the United States. It showed that if Russia had the power to do this Russia had the power to launch a ballistic missile on a target anywhere around the globe. Plus, it circled 10 times a day the United States.