Question by gfsadfhrhytrfgju: How did Stalin find out Marshall had the atomic bomb before it was dropped?
Wouldn’t Americans be a bit suspicious if their was a Russian in a bomb factory?
MSG Brad Stalin new trooman had the atomic bomb before it was dropped because one of Stalins spies found out, but Trooman didn’t know Stalin knew.
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Answer by amish d
the americans would not have been suspicious because they would have done a background check before they allowed him in
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Parakeetmaker says
Stalin used his psychic powers to read everyone's mind. This is what drove him insane.
MSG Brad says
Marshall didn't drop the bomb. Stalin found out what the US actually had when the skies over Japan lit up.
As to the second part of the question, No. The Americans would not be suspicious of a Russian bomb factory because we ignored a Russian Bio Weapons factory for decades, even when people were dying in the streets outside the factory.