Question by Jake: How did stalin get rid of his political enemies?
Im doing about 15 slides ( Powerpoint ) on how stalin got rid of his political enemies, so far the only answers ive found is “He shot them”… Can anyone expand a little please?
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Answer by B
– Stalin tricked Trotsky into not going to Lenin’s funeral, so Stalin appeared the natural heir of Lenin, damaged Trotsky’s reputation. He began releasing posters of himself with Lenin and Marx. Trotsky was not strong enough in his fight for leadership, failed to press for Lenin’s Last Testament to be read out at the party congress, which would of discredited Stalin and made him lose support.
– Zinoviev and Kamenev underestimated Stalin, and also did not press for the Last Testament to be read out. Formed a Triumvirate with Stalin.
– Stalin was in control of party membership and organisation, initially staying in the background this gave him an enormous amount of power. Frightened of Trotsky and underestimating Stalin, Zinoview and Kamenev allowed Stalin to bring more of his supporters into the party. Stalin continued to stay in the background letting Z&K and Trotsky fight it out against each other, this worked for Stalin he appeared moderate and a peace keeper.
– Stalin was pragmatic. Changed his opinions in order to gain most support. Initally against NEP then supported policy of ‘Socialism in One Country’, proving very popular and supporting NEP, he formed alliance with Bukharin.
– Stalin now abandoned Z&K and formed an alliance with Bukharin on the right wing of the party. Z&K tried to attack Stalin’s position, but Stalin’s control over the party machine was now so strong they gave him little trouble. They lost every vote because Stalin had control over the delegates. In 1926 Z&K and Trotsky form an alliance against Stalin, they made a direct appeal for demonstrations in Moscow but were accused of ‘factionalism’ they were removed from the party.
– Was pragmatic again. Attacked the right of the party and was against NEP. Defeated Bukharin who was outvoted by Stalin’s supporters.
– By 1929 Stalin now undisputed leader of the USSR.
– In the 1930’s launched the Great Terror, Stalin was paranoid and wanted to strengthen his position of power. Used Kirov assacination as an excuse. First he got rid of the Old Bolksheviks, who had supported Trotsky in the 1920s. He branded many party members ‘Trotskyites’ and accused of being involved in Kirov murder, this was used as an excuse to purge them. Trotsky who was in exile, still wrote many articles condemning Stalin, he was subsequently assassinated, using an ice pick. Z&K and 14 others put on trial in 1935, although no evidence could be produced they were found guilty, they were then put on a show trial in 1936, in full glare of the public. They show trials were a sham, evidence often faked. They were forced to confess, threatened with the murder of their families if not, they were executed the next day. The third and last show trial saw Bukharin and twenty others put on trial and shot within a few hours.
* A few key points on the Great Terror will be more info on the internet!
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