Question by Anthony: How did Joseph Stalin resolve the dispute of creationists vs genetists?
I have to re-ask this question, because previously people answered ¨with bullets¨ which is true, but it does not tell me which side he chose. Some answerers claimed that such questions have nothing to do with Pres. Hussein, but I believe it does. Obama himself always emphasizes that science must be guided by government bureaucrats, for otherwise it would be a waste of national resources.
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Answer by G S
he killed them all
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Hektor Schtein says
My Obama would never substitute bureaucrats for scientists. But if he wanted to, that's cool with me.
B.Kevorkian says
Marxism isn't just a one-party political system, it tollerates no alternatives to the revolutionary mode of thought. That includes religion. It could include science, as well.
IIRC, the Soviets not only purged themselves of the religious, which would include creationism, but eschewed mainstream evolutionary theories for a dogmatic aproach to Lamarkian evolution, in which the efforts of the parents are believed to affect the attributes of the children.
Huh? says
Creationists are not scientists, so there was no dispute. Only American fundamentalists and Islamic extremists think that creationism is science. No one that lives in the "real" world believes creationism is science, not even dead ruthless dictators.
Stalin banned religion in general and creationism is religion not science so it is clear how Stalin ruled.
Please, provide a single speech or position where the President has said that science must be guided by government bureaucrats….I am not asking for much, just one time he has said that. Since you claim he "always emphasizes" this finding a link should be easy.
I'll repeat what I said the last time you asked this question. How does what Stalin have anything to do with a President that wasn't born until almost a decade after Stalin died. Furthermore it doesn't matter, the scientific community has already decided that creationism is not science, their is no decision to be made by the President. Again only the nut jobs believe in creationism.
Religion is not science and the US courts have decided that creationism is not science and the President and reasonable people agree.
gws35 says
Communism advocates the abolishment of religion. So Stalin would have opposed creationism.
John J. S says
He chose neither. He locked all of them up and executed all of them.
edvardmunch5150 says
Hussein actually admired and studied Stalin, along with the Italian Mafia, and other thugs. Stalin banned Christianity, which takes care of much the creationist theories. He was an atheist, so made the state force those beliefs on the people. He was very pro science and technology, so he would have supported genetists. In fact, I actually remember reading about how the Russian state tried to breed apes and man to try to create some sort of super warrior.
Terran says
Stalin resolved it by killing any creationist who expressed their views since creationists swear loyalty to God instead of the government.