Question by Michelle S: How did the execution of the Czar and his family change Russia?
How did the execution of the Czar Nicolas Romanov and the royal family change Russia?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jack P
It left a void of Romanovs in the future of Russia.
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Transcendental says
Taking away lives of the whole family, including kids is horrible it changed the fate of the country greatly as it has surely risen the stakes in a civil war.
But regarding emperor Nikolay II no doubts here he deserved it – he was a pure bloody bastard. He's directly responsible for millions of deaths, mainly for the reason of pushing country into a bloodshed of World War One.
anonymous says
It allowed Lenin and the Bolsheviks to consolidate their power in Russia.
Wooworld says
It didn't actually change Russia it was a consequence of the Russian revolution. The Bolsheviks killed the family to eliminate any remainder of royalty in Russian. The revolution was already in full swing before the family was killed so they were just a part of a larger historical event. It did change Russia in the sense that it put the final stamp on the fact the the Czar would no longer rule the country and power had passed on to the Bolsheviks. Communism took over and ended the Romanov reign forever.