Question by Boral.: How did the Secret Police help Stalin keep control of the USSR?
There were four main reasons that helped Stalin keep power of the USSR:
The Purges and show trials
Secret Police
Propaganda and the cult of personality
Stalins economic policies
Can anyone give me reasons why each of these helped him keep power?
Preferely the last three please, as I already know about purges and show trials.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Quasimodo
The secret police NKVD later the KGB…would come pick you up and take you away. Usually forever.
Propaganda was used to lionize the state and its programs as well as make Stalin a father figure, great protector and savior of the nation. Statues and banners with his likeness were everywhere.
The economic polices were designed to increase coffers with stages of economic plans. Look up “The Five Year Plan”
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