Question by Tim: How did USSR manage to catch up with the West by 1930s and how successful?
was it in terms of technological, economical, literacy and social development compared to Britain, France and America?
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Answer by Cossak
In early 1920-th in USSR born Televission TV and Soviet Scientist is creater of this…..industrialization is era of those first 20-th century part,big economy,not bad literacy…
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Annie says
Very briefly, Stalin decided that Russia had to industrialise or it would go under. He emininated the Kulak class that Lenin had created with the NEP and enforced collectivisation in the countryside. The cities also faced hardship and Stalin actually created many cities from scratch, often sited in inhospitable areas such as Siberia and forced citizens to move and work there. So basically, the advances Russia made in the 1930's were very much in terms of industry and economis, the standard of living for the average Russian was incredibly poor, for example factories forced to produce weapons in the late '30's meant that what little consumer goods were in production stopped. Stalin is not famed for his advances in social development.