Question by Michael L: How do I dress like a Russian Farmer/Peasant, a Russian Noble, and Russian soldiers back in the early 1900’s?
We have to do a project about the russian revolution.
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Answer by Brad
wear ratty tattered old clothes
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Spellbound says
Peasant and working men nearly all wore beards, knee high boots, caps and mid length coats; the women wore headscarfs and long dresses.
Nobles dressed in European styles, men in suits, or military uniforms if they were in the army. The women wore fashionable clothes from France.
Obviously the various peoples – Uzbeks, Tatars, Kalmyks etc – of the Empire would have worn their own styles of clothes – there are some images here:…
See this website for loads of photos of Russia in the early part of the 20th Century:…
Lili says
You might get a little help from the paintings of Ilya Repin, especially the "17 October 1905" and the portrait of Nicholas II. See below: