Question by nade: How to get from Japan to Vladivostok?
What would be the cheapest and easiest way to get from anywhere in mainland Japan to Vladivostok, Russia?
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Answer by thecheapest902
Take a flight. There are flights from Narita, Niigata and so on.
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kyodai_kame says
You'd better spent your effort only to seek cheapest air tickets, no other cheapest and easiest way.
Vladivostok-Fusiki Japan: Ferry cost 44,000 Yen for the cheapest class cabin, and you'd need another 20,000 Yen to central Tokyo if you wanted to go.
Vladivostok- Niigata airport or Narita airport Japan: Air ticket cost about 40,000 Yen, and another 2,000 Yen from Narita to the center of Tokyo…
threedaypriest says
Well, if you want the absolute cheapest way, you have to swim. Second choice would be to build a boat and row. Or you could attach a motor to the boat. DON'T rely on air currents unless you are an experienced sailor. Other than that, you have to take an airplane. And the latter would be my choice. If you want to know the price, go online. If you can ask the question, you can find the answer. Silly question. Hate those things.