Question by sameer5678in: How do i store tequila and vodka bottles?
I’ve a tequila and vodka bottle just lying there at room temprature… As usual the weather gods are not going to show any mercy in the summer. Its already closing 40 deg celsius (100+ degree fah). I am saving tequila for the guests i’m expecting this summer! I read somewhere that vodka/tequila can be stored in freezer. Is that right way to store the spirits?
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Answer by TexHabs
Vodka should be in the freezer once the bottle has been opened –
as well as to get it cold enough to serve. Tequila you should be ok
as long as you keep it away from sunlight. (ditto alcohol in general)
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sweetroll says
Freezer is fine, room temperature even if on the hot side is fine too.