Question by Lolly: primary physical characteristics of Russia?
what are the primary physical characteristics of Russia? and how do they influence human settlement patterns?
Photo Credit: Ӎѧҧ@Ҷҿ/Flickr
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Answer by igor g
vodka and jews
Answer by Slava T
The climate (cold climate) and space are the most important ones. Climate influenced agricultural cycle, infrastructure, housing and forms of the social organizations in Russia. Historically availability of “free lands” (space) was also one of the factors that affected the Russian mentality and social organization. For example the main concern for the Russian nobility was how “to attach” peasants to the land (there were too many places to go), hence the phenomenon of the Russian “serfdom” which was abandoned only in 1861. One more thing to say, if you look at the map you’ll notice that the Russian rivers flow mainly from North to South (or the other way round) but never from East to the West (or the other way). In absence of reliable all season roads it was a serious obstacle for connecting Siberia to the European part of the country (people used to travel along the frozen rivers in the winters). The last thing to say is that for a long time Russia did not have direct approach to nonfreezing sea ports what was a great obstacle for its international trade. This situation started to shape the Russian foreign policy from 16th century.
If you are talking about the present then climate is still a very important factor. For example, to prevent any portable water (or waste) pipelines from freezing they should be put at least 3 meters underground. It takes a lot of resources (fuel, machinery, manpower etc.)
This winter in Russia (with temperature well below 30C across the European part of the country) was a huge blow to this “global warming” scam. 🙂
Answer by Arsan Lupin
Russia has all of the geographic characteristics known except tropical rain forest. Places that are harder to get to tend to be bypassed as settlements.
The original settlements in Russia were where the westernmost part of Russia now exist about 1300 years ago, and they spread out from there. Any real exploration and settlement east of the Urals didn’t occur for almost a thousand years after that. Today about three quarters of the population still live in the one quarter of Russia that is in Europe.
Most of Asian Russia’s population is in a handful of cities along the southern border; the northern half has a population density lower than that of Alaska or the Yukon Territory – and for the same reason.
Answer by JessicaL
Girl your crazy that’s for our geography class!!! wow (:
Answer by dryinyanggo
sex vodka and Balalaika music even gay sex i think
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