Question by J: How do you pronounce Sergei Rachmaninoff?
I need to know how to pronounce Sergei Rachmaninoff (the Russian composer). I don’t mind what language it’s in as long as it’s the most common way to pronounce it.
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Answer by dougieb1968
Ser-jay Rack-man-in-ov
The ‘J’ of Sergei, is pronounced as you would the ‘G’ in the French word ‘rouge’
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Jim says
sir-jay rock-MAH-nee-novf
A rock-and-roll DJ once picked up a recording of his, read the label and thought he was a "rock" musician.
del_icious_manager says
dougieb is way off beam.
The correct pronunciation is Sair-gay Rakh*-mann-innof.
'G's in Russian are ALWAYS hard. The 'kh' sound is not in English, but is used in the Scottish word 'loch' and German 'bach' (Bach). The final 'f' is halfway between a 'v' and 'f' (very nearly an 'f', though).
Holden Caulfield says
Its actually Ser-gay Rack-manin-off