Question by : How does Lenin’s ideology differ from Marx during the Russian Revoultion?
How does Lenin’s ideology differ from Marx during the Russian Revoultion? What accounts for the differences? What long-term consequences did this have (ion 20th century world politics)?
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Answer by Graphiel, mighty one of god
lenin and stalin sought and lusted after power over others
they educated based on racism and elitism, this develops the illusion we call society, which is made up of false persons who lust only after power and is based fully on greed.
true community shares the balance of power
marx simply stated that factory workdehumanizes people and thats true as well as major earth destruction and soul and life destruction
the native americans have it best with balance of power and sharing burdens responsibility and other such stuff, educate on tolerance and sharing the wealth and everything and you have COMMUNITY, if you notice African tribes dont have the crime industrial societies do. Or sexual issues we all have in the bigger countries. We are very sick,they are not as much.
and if you wrongly think america is balanced you are delusional
all wealth, political and church power is inthe hands of a few white men
and I doubt they are good and full of virtue.
Because man is devoid of virtue and full of greed, not one can develop a productful society or community. Our leaders have no divinity and arenot annointed to lead. NOT ONE
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Spellbound says
Lenin made two important revisions of Marxist doctrine:
1) Marx claimed that history was marked by changed in the economic relationships of the classes, i.e. history marched on an “inevitable” path from hunter-gatherer to slavery, to feudalism to capitalism to imperialism to socialism and finally to communism. He stated that each of these stages morphed into the next stage when they were fully mature and through a process he called class struggle. Lenin believed that, although Russia had only just shaken off feudalism, and was barely capitalist (although it was imperialist) this stage could be “telescoped” – shortened – allowing for a socialist revolution.
2) His other major revision was that Marx claimed that the peasantry was always conservative and would support the existing regime; the workers would be the motor of the socialist revolution. Lenin realised that because in Russia the working class was so small then the peasants also had to be part of the socialist revolution.
Lenin, A Biography – Robert Service
Karl Marx – Francis Wheen
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union – Leonard Shapiro