Question by Eug: I wanna travel to Russia… how hard is it these days?
I want to go to Siberia; Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Baikal…
I speak Russian (born in Belarus) but I live in Brooklyn, NY now. I’m really interested in travelling to Russia. I heard a couple of years ago it was very hard because of bad diplomatic ties between Russia and the U.S.
I know somebody personally who was born in Ukraine and wanted to travel to St. Petersburg to visit an old friend. She waited 5 months for a Visa and got denied.
So did it get any better? Will it get better in the near future?
Answers and Views:
Answer by trapper64
It depends on where in Russia you go, but anywhere in russia is hard to get to. Its a little better now than before, but after the invasion of Georgia, us and russia aren’t on the best of terms. If you do get their don’t try this game called russian roulette unless your really lucky, or had to much to drink.
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Ilya says
I live in St. Petersburg. My mom was born in Belarus too=) (Vytebskaya oblast) I can meet you any day here, just give me a notice when you will be ready to visit St. P. 😉
My facebook ID is id=1382359887
Kevin says
I'm a British citizen (we also have our diplomatic 'differences' with Russia) and I travelled through Siberia a couple of years ago, and had no problems at all. It does take a little more paperwork than most destinations, but I considered that all 'part of the experience'.
My tourist visa was issued within 14 days. I suggest you contact the Russian embassy and they will give you the most up to date information and requirements.