Question by Just a guy: How have prices of an AK-47 (as a whole) ranged over the last few decades relative to inflation etc.?
And what events cause them to fluctuate.
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Answer by Zachii
They popped up on the black market in my country (Belgium) recently at 150 EUR / piece.
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Karle says
used to could buy the semi-auto version for $ 59.99 at any roses or kmart in the late 80s…
inflation hasn't done much to gun prices….the supply and demand has had some effect but the biggest cause of price hikes are government practices which make them harder to acquire such as the 1994 ban on "assault weapons" tho semi-auto is by definition NOT an assault weapon
so basically the government involvement did nothing to stop ppl from getting or acquiring the guns just made the price of them go up…..which made it profitable for criminals to start selling guns….
** used to be criminals only sold "illegal or stolen guns" meaning full auto without paperwork and other "banned" guns…but due to government interference in made selling normal guns profitable in areas where bans and restrictions were put into place….
bill says
Used to be able to pick them up for about $ 3,000 a piece, now with the oblama hanging in the white house, you can expect to pay closer to $ 10,000 for a good one. Even the semi-autos, they used to be under $ 200, now they are all up around $ 450, like everything else, The polytech has stayed the same though,, around $ 1200.