Question by rainbow fun: How important was terror to Stalin achieving his goals?
What did he do in forms of terror to achieve his goals?
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Answer by marconprograms
30 million people important at an estimated minimum.
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Xamanator says
very important. the system didn't work without terror. Look at what happened after his death.
But the use of terror started with LENIN.
virgil says
They loved him to death
simonetta says
1. crucial
2. it is easier to say what he did NOT do: he did not use bombs or chemical weapons on his own people.
Bruce Aurora says
Stalinization took about 20 million, and many perished from being relocated on collective farms, being over worked, and having to produce too much yeild when Russia had drought conditions.
bibsian says
it was his most important weapon
anyone who stood in his way or against him was killed
all the best