Question by Tim: Any information about life in siberia these days?
I know its very harsh during the time of stalin.
thanks tattie
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Answer by tattie_herbert
Yes, the permafrost is melting, and because no buildings have concrete foundations the buildings are subsiding!
But the weather is nice!
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J. S. says
As far as the weather goes, Siberia is always a harsh place to live – especially in the winter. One place in this area boasts the lowest temperature ever recorded, I think it was – 50oC!
There are still some nomadic groups who live in Siberia, but other than mineral/oil exploration I haven't heard any other information recently.
p.s. Welcome to Level 3, jason!
inara17472 says
When a Westerner hears "Siberia", images of frozen tundra and prison camps come to mind. But things are changing even in this lost region. Tundra and prison camps are still there but people go to concerts of organ music and dig ground out of pure curiosity. Information about Siberia collected on these pages contains social, cultural, historical, geographical and economic facts, experts' evaluations of Siberian markets and opinions of foreign businessmen that do business here
Cossak says
ryskayagirl33 says
Yeah it was harsh, but now it is fine. It is very cold there, and I have a pen pal from there and she says it is really nice, a small place, but everyone are friendly. Its getting better everywhere in russia including siberia!