Question by mopar Mike aka tea party mobster: How is the USA going to handle this touchy situation with Russia ?
Everyone knows their in bed with the Arabs… You really don’t hear to much about Russia on the news after the cold war. Is their military as strong is it was pre cold war ? And how is their economy ? Thanks for your replies
Answers and Views:
Answer by joe4912004
Indeed. Do we want an inexperienced person making those tough decisions or an experienced one? This is where the rubber will meet the road as we all select a new leaders for the USA. This is not a time or an office for on-the-job training.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
nolsemya says
Why do you think that USA is going to handle the situation. Everything is going on their plan. USA taught Georgians army, USA gave them weapons, and USA gave them green light to attack South Osetia and Obhasia. Don't be so sure about USA innocence. Try to read some independent articles about this situation.
USA government play on Russo-phobia of their citizens.
It is a common situation, that USA provoke in all of the world for lust 60 years.
suthrngal says
Their economy is at an all time high because of the price of oil. Otherwise, they're actually a very weakened country.
The way to deal with Russia is to protect those who border them and to get the price of oil down as low as we can.