Question by : How large is the babushka in modern day Russia and other countries that culturally use them?
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Answer by ♫John♫ ♫Lennon♫
Ummmm…if by “large” you mean “popular”, older women still wear them but not nearly as much as they used to. I assume you mean the headscarf. As previously stated, “babushka” means “old woman” or “grandmother”.
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Arsan Lupin says
About 160 centimeters high, about 60 kilograms mass.
“Babushka” = “grandmother”
MARC says
alex, you have been misled. seems even rolling stones magazine back in ’92 in my early russia days called fur hats “babushka”. not pronounced “ba BOOSH ka” but “BAB boosh ka” is definitely a “grandmother” (or any elderly woman). fur hats are no larger today than before IN RUSSIA. some cultures traditionally wore higher or taller than necessary hats, and likely still do. these are some of the southern republics and not part of russia, but were part of the soviet union,
Cossak says
Its still the sacred institute of our society(Russia,Ukraine,Belarus). Babushka educates you,while parents all the day on work.
Wave2012 says
In Russian language “babushka” has only 2 meanings – grandmother and old woman. No scarfs, no matryoshkas, no any other stuff with their own names.
That is why your question doesn’t have any sense for Russians. As for scarfs, they are usually used by old women who mostly live in villages. How large? Average scarf is 80×80 cm. There are about 6 million women over >55 y.o. in Russia who live in rural areas. Not all of them but many wears scarfs.