Question by airbender: How long does it take to fly from Alaska to Russia?
Let’s say….Fairbanks, AK to northern Siberia, Russia.
Yes, but I believe all flights go from Alaska all the way across the US, into Europe, and then to Russia. Not just from “Alaska to Russia”. It goes the long way.
David, I appreciate your answer. Would it be in the range of say, 10-15 hours, or 20 hours? Thanks!
Answers and Views:
Answer by The sky is falling!!!!!!
shouldnt take long becuae alaska and russia are right next to each other.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Keagan says
Hypothetically, less than 20 minutes. But, there is no commercial air service between those two cities.
David B. says
If this is a hypothetical question, then the answer would be less than a minute, since the Diomede islands (which form the border at its closest point) are only two miles apart.
If it is a practical question, however, and you are looking to fly commerically from Fairbanks to anywhere in Russia, the answer will be excruciatingly long, since the only available routings are going to force you to go WAY out of your way. Say, Fairbanks to Seattle to Tokyo to Russia. Or Fairbanks to Anchorage to Taipei to Russia.
Alaska Airlines used to serve some of the nearer cities in Russia, but all those destinations have been dropped.
As to the time that takes: I can't find any combination of flights that gets you there in under 24 hours elapsed time (and of course you lose a day crossing the Innternational Date Line, so on the calendar it is 48 hours). The Seoul connection almost works OK, but you just miss the last flights to Russia, so are forced to overnight…
It is true that this is a remarkably difficult trip to manage. Although I do not know how it might complicate the visa issue, given the number of air taxi services in Alaska, if this is a trip you actually need to do, it might very well be worth considering chartering a plane to do it.
Given the number of Russians who work in Alaska, I find it rather remarkable that there is no longer any direct service whatsoever.
Blobster McBlahBlob says
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