Question by Spetsnaz199: how long does it take to gain citizenship in Russia?
How long does it take to gain citizenship in Russia. Do you have to be a citizen to join the Russian military? Can you gain citizenship by joining the military?
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Answer by Y@h00!
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Anonymous says
ха ха ха ну ты и прикалист =)
ващето сейчас вроде 5 лет
Я чё у тебя за ник такой ? спецназ =)))))) ты хоть срочную проходил? ха ха ха
JohnZ says
Full citizenship in Russia can take between 2 and 5 years to acquire depending upon personal connections, quickness of assimilation, and ability to pay. To be a member of any military, you must be a citizen. Only foreign legions offer the opportunity to earn citizenship through military service and Russia doesn't have one.