Question by amiehr23: How long was Trotsky a member to the Mensheviks for and can you give me more information on this please? Thank?
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Answer by Joseph M
i think you bolshiveks?trotsky was much more educated than the leaders of the regeime.after wwi the red army and the czar’s arhad civil war.while at war the red’s lead by trotsky’ thinking kept a capitalistic economy of sorts.the red army was largely made up of peasent farmers.lenin wanted everything centralized.the hardship was that russia was so vast that rhe food would rot before it got to moscow.trotskey,was instrumental in lettin g the farmers,which was im the ukraine region determine their contributions,and give them soverignty over mean t that not only food,but clothes,fuel,and other nessecities were their and easy for each region to help win the civil war.after the war trotskey tried to convince lenin.that they keep this kind of economy.lenin past in 1925.stalin,and the red army took control.trotskey was exiled to mexico.stalin had a pea for a brain,and a thirst for revenge.he had trotskey assasinated in the early thirties.had trotsky taken the helm,it would have been much would have beenmuch worse for europe,and america.i believe he was educated in the u.s.
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