Question by ▐▀▀♦▀▀▌ ♦h4X0rZ♦ ▐▄▄♦▄▄▌: How many pages is the book “One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich”?
I need to read a novel by an author from another culture for my english class and the minimum number of pages is 150. I think the book is pretty short so I’m just making sure. If it helps at all the author is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
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Answer by Jocelyne B
never heard of that book
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momo says
i looked on barnes and noble and it said 2 copies
1: 188
☼doyoubelieveinGod says
It has about 180 pages.
Iris says
it's 158 pages in the paperback edition, so you're all good!