Question by Gamer: How many shots of vodka will I need to consume before getting drunk or tipsy?
I am fifteen years old, five foot six, boy, and one hundred and ten pounds. How many shots of vodka will I need to get drunk AND tipsy answer both
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Answer by Loretta Jane
i would say at least six.
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Maureen M says
Tex is right. You are under age. You need to grow up before you begin experimenting with alcohol. Asking questions such as yours is a true sign of immaturity.
Forever&Always&l says
This sort of depends on your alcohol tolerance, how much you've eaten, the size of the shots, and kind of vodka, but in general i'd say:
Tipsy: 4 shots
Drunk: 6+ shots
TexHabs007 says
mkb80 says
Do you like puking?
Stay away from drinking until your 21 at least.