Question by heyy theree: How many shots of vodka will give a good buzz?
I don’t want to be too drunk but I was with my friends the other day, they were drinking and I’d never done it before so I took one shot of vodka and I didnt feel anything. I weigh about 125 lbs so how many shots of vodka will give a good buzz (not badly drunk though) and how far apart should the shots be? I know it also depends on how much you ate but lets just say its 3 hours after eating a normal dinner. How much would you say?
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Answer by jay1986
it really depends on the persons tolerance. for you maybe 3, i’m guessing. probably not much more than that.
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Michelle D says
I'm just about your same weight, and I'm sixteen.
If you're drinking about three shots in an hour, that should get you buzzed, but don't drink in the next hour.
When I don't eat anything, three shots of 80 proof vodka gets me slightly drunk…which is really pathetic because I'm a slightly heavy drinker, and I'm still lightweight.
To be honest, stick to only buzzes, and don't binge drink.
Scooby says
3 should give you a nice buzz.
kimmer727 says
Depends also on how fast you are drinking them. If you are just slamming them down – your gonna get drunker then if you are doing one every 1/2 hour or so.
It all depends on the person – everybody has a different tolerance for alcohol.
doer says
For the conditions you said, if you are taking as shots, then 3 should be fine. If you are taking as tall drinks where you will mix vodka with a mixer like water, fruit juice etc, you may be able to take one more, so 4.
Space the drinks by atleast 15min, that is after completing one. And in that time, drink some water or some fruit juice, that will help you limit the effects.