Question by Rachlezi: How many vodka shots would equal to the alcohol level in a 1 L Bacardi Razz Rum?
Can you please convert rum to vodka and tell me an equivalent alcohol precent. How many vodka shots would equal to the alcohol level in a 1 L Bacardi Razz Rum?
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Weatherman says
Exactly the same number of shots as there are Rum
But, as I have answered in the other copy of this question – A shot is not a good measure to use.
Some places us 1oz as a shot, some 1.5oz, in the UK a shot can be either 25 or 35 ml depending where you buy it, and a shot in the home can be whatever you want to pour.
The only standard measure is an alcohol unit, and 1L of Malibu would contain 40 units of alcohol